Top 10 workouts to kick off your new exercise regimen
1 Let go of your obstacle mountain and focus.
Meditation and deep breathing gives a chance to focus, reducing the glare of superfluous distractions and helping us to see past false perceptions. In with a deep breath, hold for 5 seconds, as the tip of the tongue rest on the ridges at the roof of the mouth exhale slowly to an audible whoosh sound and out with the bad. See techniques in Beauty of Healing Love Life, Spirit, Mind, and Body.
2 Anchoring Radiating
Anchoring Radiating. While one part of your body is well grounded, another part can rise up. When you anchor yourself securely it makes the exercise more of a challenge. Anchoring provide as base from which to work.Which helps to maintain grounding. Grounding is reviewed in Beauty of Healing Love Life, Spirit, Mind and Body.
3 Stretch
Standing with your feet 3 to 4 feet apart. Turn your left foot and leg well inward to about 60 degrees and turn the right foot out 90 degrees. Bring your left hip forward so that it's level with the right hip. Stretch your left arm up in the air and take several breaths, getting a sense of full extension all the way from the left ankle to the left hand.
4 Back Bend
Like the forward bend, the back bend helps to keep the spine supple and well aligned to promote good functioning of the nerves that innervate the rest of the body. See care of the nerve and nervous system in Beauty of Healing Love Life, Spirit, Mind, and Body.
5 Forward Bend
The ideal starting position will be sitting right on the center of the sitting bones, so that as you fold your body forward you will roll forward to perch more on the front edge of your sitting bones.
6 Warrior Pose that opens the chest + strengthens back .
Having the feet parallel, lift back heel off the floor. Bend your left knee to a 90 degree angle. Keep your back leg straight. Take your arms out to the sides, turn the palms up and raise the arms overhead to join the palms. Gaze at your thumbs. Stretch up from the hips to the fingers. Stay for 10 breaths and maintain awareness as you come out of pose.
7 Hand to foot pose.
Ground yourself through your heels. Bend the right Knee slightly and pause to let your left leg better connect with the earth. Lift up your right leg and hold the knee with your hand. This pose is good practice to develope balance. Practice all balance pose near wall as fall precaution, if pregnant.
8 Hand to foot pose
If your hamstrings are flexible, loop your big toe with the thumb and fingers, straighten the leg out in front. Now keep both sides of the torso an even length by rolling the outer right hip down with external rotation of the thigh bone. Caution: practice near wall if pregnant.
9 Triangle Pose
Activate your thigh muscles to ensure the kneecaps track over the toes. Place your left hand near your knee. Your hip bones, shoulders, and hands should be along the same line as your feet. Wrap the other arm around the back to wedge the hand by the inner thigh or you could take hold of the back of your pants.
10 Balance
Try balancing when holding your body tight. Tense muscles to support yourself. As your mind stays calm, centered and develops the ability to lead the body, your coordination will grow. Developing physical poise will foster mental harmony.